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    12 Movie Reviews

    5 w/ Responses


    I want to see more!!! LOVED IT ALL!!! FLAWS? NONE! The sound and everything just perfect. U watch a lot of anime too i can tell but i love u.

    WE Rate upon animations

    I honestly don't think its fair that this is put in the top weekly or monthly or whatever because sure it is a good concept but it isn't an animation. truthfully speaking i could come up with an idea like that, anyone can, but if its just text it sux. God Tom an d Wade, what is wrong with you guys these days? Well whatever, good concept.

    CountPoopoo responds:

    You can always say "I could have," unfortunatly, it's not true. If you came up with it you would have done a flash, you didn't. Still <3. All critism is taken in.

    no wonder why everyone says u guys rock

    I cannot fathom the amount of time you guys spend on these things, This should be #1 of all time because it was just incredible. You guys always choose good music, have amazing easter eggs and funny material. i even read the books and am excited about the evil robots in decline 3. KEEP THIS UP OR GunCON this! wait... that didn't make sense. Well u guys rock. I want to buy all ur action figures now.
    if u can find time to email me (which u won't, its saadar@sbcglobal.net)
    I should stop now.

    Very Well Done.

    I know how everyone is sick of stickfigure animations and such, but the point is this website is ment for flash ANIMATIONS and that means i will rate you upon your ANIMATION and not your stick figure. Look This amazing piece of work has shown me that you have a lot of talent and patience to do something so smooth and well done. All i can say is that you got to keep up the good work, not many flash animators have a great handle on the effects that you are doing. Now i won't bother you (like almost everyone has) in saying that you should do actual characters because i was truly entertained and i can't wait to see what you have next whether or not it is a stick film. If you have time or anything, maybe we can work on something to gether. I am not that great but ill try and it would be pretty awesome if we did something together. my email is saadar@sbcglobal.net.

    Fr0zEnPh0eNiX responds:

    Hey thanks, I'll keep that offer in mind.

    1st flash animation!?

    That is incredible! how did u learn all those professional techniques and navigation bar and actionscripting so fast? THis is THE BEST I have seen from a first or second or third animation. i cannot imagine how much photoshoping and frame by frame you did. You lip syncing was dead on and it had pretty good voices. Duude u are going places if u keep this stuff up. i commend u and i am inspired to put more effort into my next animation because mine suck so far. Keep it up!

    i have alot of respect for you..

    though this was short as many people have said, it was refreshing and new also to see what kind of people you hard working crazy awesome animators are like in real life. I gave an 6 for grpahics because well it wasn't really drawn and a 9 for style because it wasn't completly original and it was a slideshow, i could hear the sound clearly and so i gave it a 10 and it was humorous so that is the break down.
    i did notice you photoshop work and i will be honest that it isn't necessarily the best you could do. i don't get what is wrong with the other reviewers about your wife and all, i think she is pretty and you are lucky to have so good for you too but i mean damn some of the reviewers are sick and twisted and have basically no life. i hope you continue to work on these animations and shorts and express more of yourself sometimes because you are an interesting person. honestly i don't know if it deserves front page completely but i find you a respected flash animator, well like many other people have said "don't be discouraged" and i know you won't.
    hey i know this maybe asking to much but i am just getting into flash and stuff and i do have some pretty good photoshope skills. i was wondering if i could be of any help to one of your future works. ( i would be honored if i was allowed to do a lil tid bit or somethin for u)

    kind of a rip off

    i like the animation and i can see you put a lot of effort in to it but i have seen at least 4 people try riping off ringfinger's battlefield concept. i mean its bad enough that it has to be stick figures, i mean there are websites dedicated to stick figures. I am saying i am pretty sick of the same concept or graphics. if your using stickfigures, try atleast to invent a new way to use them, i see lots of potential.
    btw don't compare my animation, i mean i know mine sucks so don't try defending yourself by criticising my work. as i said i think you can do better than this so dont be offended

    azruial responds:

    "as i said i think you can do better than this so dont be offended"
    I am open to all criticizm and would never be offended by any review especially one that has more thought put into it than three profane words strung together.
    (thanks for the review)

    i find it hard to believe.....

    I have seen that seen countless times and i agree, it is pretty much exactly like it. I really makes me wonder if you really drew out the animation. It is easy to trace frame by frame, simply import the movie clip in a layer 1 and draw frame by frame on layer 2. maybe you drew all of it, or maybe you got kind of lazy and traced parts, i give you credit since it must have been so time consuming. By the way, i read your responses to any sort of criticism and i am just saying that you don't have to be so touchy on the subject, not everyone will love your stuff. all i am saying is to chill, the majority loves it and i just have to say that i am impressed especially if you drew it your self w/o tracing. Look i know based on how you acted with other critics, that you will look up my animation or what not and start trying to defend your self by blamming mine, well don't. i admit it, i am not at that level of commitment to a flash project and i am working hard to learn and improve upon my own. the only reason i am giving a 10 is because you don't seem to handle a low score to well and i am assuming you actually drew it not traced. so good job

    Barry-the-SuperScot responds:

    Check out the MSN Group to see my storyboards, I drew it all.
    And your review wasn't bad. I actually don't get pissed at bad reviews, I actually like them (in a certain way, I do prefer the good reviews though)! They are funny because the reviewer is often retarded and I have a right to give them a reply saying how stupid they are.
    Did you read their reviews? Most are "its shit!!!111 you succkkk1!!!1!!"
    Now really, would you let an ignorant little cretin like that get away with it? Giving absolutely no reason why they didn't like it? Of course not.

    And I wouldn't look up on your animations and blam them, I'm not a petty idiot like the rest of those cretins. I only check some to see if they made a Flash movie because 90% of the time they haven't therefore don't know how much work goes into a flash movie.

    Your review was OK. But why sound a 0? :P There is sound there... ;)

    saad @anotherrandomguy


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